Kind words.

  • Char's gentle nature and encouraging words provided much relief in easing my brand new "mom anxiety." Even though our little one spent about a month in the NICU and stress was elevated for me, she was still able to provide me with clear, encouraging instruction that allowed my son to latch and feed effectively. And at the same time, ensured I felt comfortable with everything. She also opened up the world of babywearing to me; which became a lifesaver for both encouraging walking naps and increasing joyous connection with my baby. Working with Char was a true blessing!

    — Emily, 2020

  • Char was so helpful with my second and third babies. I thought since I was an experienced mom breastfeeding would be a breeze, but both babies proved to pose their own challenges. Char helped me navigate them with ease and confidence.

    — Abigail, 2022

  • Char is an incredible resource! She made herself available to come to my house for a visit days after my son was born to help evaluate latch and best breastfeeding practices. She was quick to reply with very helpful links on hand expression, and working through clogged ducts and mastitis. She is very knowledgeable and extended a listening ear with my many questions. I am a proud breastfeeding mama because of her training and help!

    — Megan, 2022